My beautiful baby girl loves to get in the kitchen with me. Recently, she told me that when she grows up, she wants to be a chef like me. AWWWW! So today, my little helper and I took to the kitchen to make a special after dinner treat. The kids put in a request for pumpkin pie so she was all too happy help. Honey let me tell you, she cracked eggs, she measured,she whipped, mixed and poured. She was all over the place! Mommy was quite impressed. Looks like I may have a little pastry chef on my hands. Food Network, look out! We threw together a little homemade vanilla bean ice cream and whipped cream for good measure. So here we are now, enjoying he fruits of our labor. Pretty darn tasty if I do say so myself.
Peace, Blessings, and Happy Eating
Lil Sweet
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