Today is truly a joyous day and I'm so thankful. First giving honor to God who is the head of my life, I want to thank my Father in Heaven for his Son Jesus, who saved a sinner like me. I'm thankful for yet another year on the is earth and know that there are nothing but good things to come. But if in fact today is my last day, I know that I'm a child of the King, and that's alright with me. I pray for all those who are traveling today. May the Lord grant you traveling grace. I thank Him for life, health, and strength today. My children are happy and healthy. My family is well. What more can I ask for? With all the well wishes and season's greetings, there's only one thing that saddens me. What's with all this X-mas foolishness? How can you take Christ out of Christmas? It's my prayer that for those who don't know Christ, please, get to know Him. Don't be afraid to pray. Don't be too proud to pray. Because prayer changes thing. And prayer changes people too. Remember that He is the reason for the season. While beautifully wrapped gifts and good food are nice, we need to remember that without Christ, we are nothing, but with Him, all things are possible. I wish all of you a very Merry CHRISTmas, and a happy and save New Year.
Peace, Love, and many Blessings
Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Big News
I know, I know. It's been a while since I've posted. But, here I am, back in the saddle. School has kicked my butt this quarter, but I'm happy to say I finished strong and am looking forward to moving on to the next phase. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and let me tell ya, it looks GOOD. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was interesting to say the least. Christmas is fast approaching so I just wanted to take the time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season. Now, on to my big news. Guess who's original recipe will be in the March 2010 issue of Better Homes and Gardens Magazine? You don't have to guess, I'll tell ya. MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE. I just received notification 2 days ago on some recipes I'd sent in. You wouldn't believe my shock. I had no idea what that envelope was about. It had me wondering if I'd forgotten to pay my subscription. LOL. Funny thing is, I sent in so many that I've forgotten which recipe it was. It wasn't listed on the letter they sent. I guess I'll find out when it's published. Imagine that, me, published! Ain't that a kick in the pants. I'm thankful for the recognition and flattered beyond measure. Honestly, being in the kitchen is all I've ever wanted to do and my joy comes from watching someone enjoy something I've created. So, thank you to all who have supported me through this culinary journey and please, please, please, keep a look out for the March issue.
Peace, Love, and Cupcakes!
Peace, Love, and Cupcakes!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I Survived Swine Flu 2009!!!
You've now tuned in to a public service announcement. You guys, let me just say that I've learned how devastating H1N1 is. I'm a pretty healthy person and haven't been sick in YEARS. But, I've spent the last week camped out on my couch in severe pain due to this illness. I didn't eat and could barely drink anything.It' hurt to move, it hurt to sleep, hell, it hurt to just lay there. And then came the chills/fever. Who knew you could be hot and cold at the same time??? Do yourself a favor guys, if you haven't gotten the vaccine, GET IT IMMEDIATELY!!!! I'm recovering and honestly wouldn't wish this sickness on anyone. If you experience any of the following symptoms: fever of more than 100.4, chills, cough, congestion, or severe body aches, GET TO A DOCTOR ASAP. The test is relatively easy, just a quick swab of the nose and you're done. The doctors are prescribing Tamiflu which shortens the duration of the sickness. Unfortunately, there's not really much you can do to prevent this, but you can take precautions. HANDWASHING. Let me say that again, HANDWASHING. This is so important. A little soap and water never hurt anybody. Use it! On a lighter note, I LOOK GREAT! My stomach hasn't been this flat in years and my double chin is gone. (maybe because I haven't eaten since last Tues)
I just want to say thanks to my Mama for coming over and taking care of me and the kids while I was down. Thanks for doing the laundry and bringing me soup. Thanks for the Clorox wipes, paper towels, and toilet paper. I can always count on you. (all while you stay the recommended 6 feet away so I can't breathe on you) You're the best!
So, kids, I'm back. Still not at 100% but definitely better than I was. And, now, back to your rescheduled program. I'll meet you guys back here. Maybe not the same bat time, but definitely the same bat channel.
I just want to say thanks to my Mama for coming over and taking care of me and the kids while I was down. Thanks for doing the laundry and bringing me soup. Thanks for the Clorox wipes, paper towels, and toilet paper. I can always count on you. (all while you stay the recommended 6 feet away so I can't breathe on you) You're the best!
So, kids, I'm back. Still not at 100% but definitely better than I was. And, now, back to your rescheduled program. I'll meet you guys back here. Maybe not the same bat time, but definitely the same bat channel.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Best Little Helper.

My beautiful baby girl loves to get in the kitchen with me. Recently, she told me that when she grows up, she wants to be a chef like me. AWWWW! So today, my little helper and I took to the kitchen to make a special after dinner treat. The kids put in a request for pumpkin pie so she was all too happy help. Honey let me tell you, she cracked eggs, she measured,she whipped, mixed and poured. She was all over the place! Mommy was quite impressed. Looks like I may have a little pastry chef on my hands. Food Network, look out! We threw together a little homemade vanilla bean ice cream and whipped cream for good measure. So here we are now, enjoying he fruits of our labor. Pretty darn tasty if I do say so myself.
Peace, Blessings, and Happy Eating
Lil Sweet
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Finally! The gap is gone!!!
Hi guys! It's been a little while since I've posted. This little lady had to make it through midterms. So anyway, I think I've made one of the most important discoveries know to womankind. Yes ladies, I've discovered the BEST JEANS EVER!!!For all you curvy ladies like me, I've got just the thing for you. So I'm sitting around the house last week flipping through the channels when I run across the Oprah Show. Now here's the thing, I've never been one to follow Oprah's Favorites. But this particular night, she was talking about jeans. Ladies, if you're me, you have jean issues. If you have any ounce of hips or junk in your trunk, you've had denim frustration as I like to call it. You find jeans that fit your hips, but not your waist. They gap. They bunch. You either have to keep tugging and pulling throughout the day or you have to tighten your belt so tight just to make the waist fit, you get the dreaded WHALE TAIL effect. Not cute I tell ya! So as I'm watching Oprah, her guest Cookie Johnson (Magic Johnson's wife) has launched a line of jeans with "real women's" bodies in mind. Gorgeous jeans in gorgeous colors. They're singing the praises of these jeans to high Heaven. I have to admit, I was falling for it hook, line,and sinker. The only problem, I don't have $149+ to spend on a pair of jeans. So for all you recessionistas out there, Lady O has provided us with an alternative. Lee Comfort Fit Jeans. My search began the very next day. Affordable and cute! Ya can't beat that. I found these jeans at JCPenney, Kohl's, and Sears. These are honestly the best jeans I've ever worn. I'm a sucker for a dark wash. Trouser jeans, love 'em! Skinny jeans, love 'em too! Lee has all the best styles with a really good price. The comfort fit waistband is great. FINALLY, jeans that fit my waist and butt!!! I'm in heaven. And, they're as comfortable as your fave pair of sweatpants. So here I am standing in the fitting room going through my denim checklist. Waitband fits. CHECK. Jeans hug in all the right places. CHECK. Tummy is smooth. CHECK. Butt is lifted. DOUBLE CHECK. I can bend, move, dance, and feel great doing it. CHECK, CHECK, AND MORE CHECK!!! (you all should've seen the show I put on in the fitting room dancing around and what not) Yep, ladies, these are perfect. And just $25 to boot. These came home with me immediately. I've been singing the praises of these jeans to anyone who will listen, and a few who won't all week. Can't wait to wear them. Pics coming soon. Try them out ladies. You'll love me for it.
Peace and Blessings
Lil Sweet
Peace and Blessings
Lil Sweet
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Happy Birthday!!

Let me start off by saying, I have the most wonderful man in my life. He's my number one cheerleader,supports me, and all my crazy ideas, and gives a heck of a foot massage. (what girl doesn't love that!) Well, Mr. Wonderful had a birthday this week. So as I did what any good girlfriend with a slight obsession with cupcakes would do. I whipped up something delicious. I consulted with my girl Martha. (That's Martha Stewart you know. We're on a first name basis. LOL) You should've seen his face when he saw that I'd made his favorite. Cheesecake!He likes them plain, but of course I had to throw in a few chocolate swirled ones for good measure. The smile that he had plastered on his face made my heart melt. And, by the looks of these pics, I think he liked them! Love ya honey. Happy Birthday!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

This sweet little boy is my now 16 yr. old son. Now as any mother would know, your first born is very special to you. Well, this 3 yr. old cutie pie use to love his nightly bedtime stories. (the only reading he does now is of text messages) Now it's been quite a while so I can't remember for the life of me who gave this book to him, but oh how he loved the book Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. It's the story of the town of ChewandSwallow. (cute huh?!) In this town, they don't have grocery stores. Their food is rained down upon them from the clouds 3 times daily. They even have a meal forecast on their nightly news. Love it! But unfortunately one day, the food starts growing and growing. It floods the town and the townspeople have to run for their lives as they sailed away on ships made of toast and peanut butter sandwiches. ( Ok so maybe I love the story too.) Every night I'd say, " Baby, go pick a story." And sure enough, he'd bring back the same book. I could quote it line by line. So imagine my surpise when I saw previews for a movie of the same name recently. I tell you, the sheer thought of this movie conjured up memories of my little crooked tooth, bow legged, baby boy. I couldn't wait to tell him about it. But, in true 16 yr. old fashion, he wasn't interested. He was almost disgusted at the fact that I even brought it up and swore up and down he had no idea what I was talking about. Umm, yeah right. So this afternoon, what did I do? I woke him up, along with my other two, and we went to the movies. We walked into the theater and can you believe he wouldn't even sit with me? The nerve! I absolutely loved the movie. He sat there trying to look cool like teenagers do. Although he was trying to mask his excitement, I know he enjoyed it. Periodically, his ever busy cell phone would light up. (another text from some little girl I guess) I'd sneak a peak at him every so often and there he was again. Not my man child who is now taller than me. But my baby boy who would go out in the yard and pick dandelions for me. That same little boy who would worry the hell out of me every time he rode his bike into the street without looking both ways. Funny how now, he worries the hell out of me every time he gets into the car with his friends and rides off to his high school football games. My, how time flies. Even though it was a short movie, it was the best hour and a half I've spent with my children in a long time. So tonight baby boy, as you lay head to pillow, I wish you sweet dreams filled with spaghetti and meatball clouds and gumdrop rain showers. You'll always be my baby, and I love you very much.
Lil Sweet
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