Let me start off by saying, I have the most wonderful man in my life. He's my number one cheerleader,supports me, and all my crazy ideas, and gives a heck of a foot massage. (what girl doesn't love that!) Well, Mr. Wonderful had a birthday this week. So as I did what any good girlfriend with a slight obsession with cupcakes would do. I whipped up something delicious. I consulted with my girl Martha. (That's Martha Stewart you know. We're on a first name basis. LOL) You should've seen his face when he saw that I'd made his favorite. Cheesecake!He likes them plain, but of course I had to throw in a few chocolate swirled ones for good measure. The smile that he had plastered on his face made my heart melt. And, by the looks of these pics, I think he liked them! Love ya honey. Happy Birthday!
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