This sweet little boy is my now 16 yr. old son. Now as any mother would know, your first born is very special to you. Well, this 3 yr. old cutie pie use to love his nightly bedtime stories. (the only reading he does now is of text messages) Now it's been quite a while so I can't remember for the life of me who gave this book to him, but oh how he loved the book Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. It's the story of the town of ChewandSwallow. (cute huh?!) In this town, they don't have grocery stores. Their food is rained down upon them from the clouds 3 times daily. They even have a meal forecast on their nightly news. Love it! But unfortunately one day, the food starts growing and growing. It floods the town and the townspeople have to run for their lives as they sailed away on ships made of toast and peanut butter sandwiches. ( Ok so maybe I love the story too.) Every night I'd say, " Baby, go pick a story." And sure enough, he'd bring back the same book. I could quote it line by line. So imagine my surpise when I saw previews for a movie of the same name recently. I tell you, the sheer thought of this movie conjured up memories of my little crooked tooth, bow legged, baby boy. I couldn't wait to tell him about it. But, in true 16 yr. old fashion, he wasn't interested. He was almost disgusted at the fact that I even brought it up and swore up and down he had no idea what I was talking about. Umm, yeah right. So this afternoon, what did I do? I woke him up, along with my other two, and we went to the movies. We walked into the theater and can you believe he wouldn't even sit with me? The nerve! I absolutely loved the movie. He sat there trying to look cool like teenagers do. Although he was trying to mask his excitement, I know he enjoyed it. Periodically, his ever busy cell phone would light up. (another text from some little girl I guess) I'd sneak a peak at him every so often and there he was again. Not my man child who is now taller than me. But my baby boy who would go out in the yard and pick dandelions for me. That same little boy who would worry the hell out of me every time he rode his bike into the street without looking both ways. Funny how now, he worries the hell out of me every time he gets into the car with his friends and rides off to his high school football games. My, how time flies. Even though it was a short movie, it was the best hour and a half I've spent with my children in a long time. So tonight baby boy, as you lay head to pillow, I wish you sweet dreams filled with spaghetti and meatball clouds and gumdrop rain showers. You'll always be my baby, and I love you very much.
Lil Sweet
Sooo....havent't stopped crying yet. His little fat behind liked Green Eggs and Ham too!