I guess introductions are in order. The name is Vacie but you all can call me Lil Sweet. Where in the world did that name come from? Am I little? Well, if you call 5"3' little, then I guess I am. Am I sweet? Of course I am! Although sometimes I can be a little salty too. But seriously though folks, the name came from my grandfather. He passed away 7 years ago and there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss him. So for him, I will always be his Lil Sweet.
I'm a diehard foodie and nothing makes me happier than being in the kitchen making a mess. I learned to cook at the hip of my two favorite women, my mother and grandmother. No one can top Mama's fried chicken and Memaw's lemon meringue pie is second to none. I started off as the official bowl licker, moved up to stirrer, and then graduated to yeast roll roller. So from those humble beginnings, here I am.
I've wanted to try this blogging thing for a while now but never quite got around to it. So finally, here I am. So what made me start now you ask? Hmmm... let's see. CUPCAKES!!! I love cupcakes. No really, I LOVE CUPCAKES. They always seem to put a smile on my face. Whether it's the swirling of the icing or the moist cake underneath, I love it all.
But here's the thing, even though I love cupcakes, I was thinking, it's more than that. I love all food. Baking is where my heart is, but, the sound of an onion sauteing in butter will put a smile on my face everytime. So even though there will be alot of the sweet stuff on here, I promise there will be more. Aside from food, there are alot of other things swimming around in this head of mine. So from my brain, to your screen, you'll get the good, the bad, the sweet and the salty!
I'm a culinary student at Sullivan University in Lexington, Ky. I truly love the program . The Chef instructors there really care and want to see you succeed. I appreciate that. Cooking is what I was born to do. I've met so many cool people through food and so many opportunities have presented themselves since I enrolled last year. I'm so excited about the future.
So on to the food, shall we? It's Friday night and what am I doing? The same thing I do every night Pinky. Trying to take over the world. LOL. Sorry, I love the Pinky and the Brain. Forgive me. No really folks, I'm up making cupcakes. I got a copy of Martha Stewart's Cupcakes in my hot little hand and couldn't wait to get started. Now let me just tell you about this book. I LOVE IT. I saw it a few months ago at Michael's and drooled over each and every picture as I flipped through it. Finally, I bought it. I have no idea what took me so long, but whatever. I thought about making each one and blogging about it, but umm no. Not so much. There is more to life than cupcakes right? Not much more, but I'm sure there is . I'm working on Martha's chocolate chip cupcakes so please bear with me. I will leave a pic of the uniced ones. I can't tell you how good my kitchen smells right now. I'm going to bid you guys farewell for just a little while so I can finish these because I can't wait to try one. I'll meet y'all back here with pics and results. Maybe not the same bat time, but definitely the same bat channel.
Peace and Love Y'all
Lil Sweet
Lil Sweet, Of course,I'm partial, but I bid you many blessings and all of the success that God bestows upon you and more than you desire. If this is what you want to do, be the best. Honor the Lord and He will bless you. Now, the cupcakes do look good. Get ready to receive orders. You are not the only one that like cupcakes, Halloween is coming up and people will want them for parties. I love you... Momma