Saturday, October 31, 2009

Finally! The gap is gone!!!

Hi guys! It's been a little while since I've posted. This little lady had to make it through midterms. So anyway, I think I've made one of the most important discoveries know to womankind. Yes ladies, I've discovered the BEST JEANS EVER!!!For all you curvy ladies like me, I've got just the thing for you. So I'm sitting around the house last week flipping through the channels when I run across the Oprah Show. Now here's the thing, I've never been one to follow Oprah's Favorites. But this particular night, she was talking about jeans. Ladies, if you're me, you have jean issues. If you have any ounce of hips or junk in your trunk, you've had denim frustration as I like to call it. You find jeans that fit your hips, but not your waist. They gap. They bunch. You either have to keep tugging and pulling throughout the day or you have to tighten your belt so tight just to make the waist fit, you get the dreaded WHALE TAIL effect. Not cute I tell ya! So as I'm watching Oprah, her guest Cookie Johnson (Magic Johnson's wife) has launched a line of jeans with "real women's" bodies in mind. Gorgeous jeans in gorgeous colors. They're singing the praises of these jeans to high Heaven. I have to admit, I was falling for it hook, line,and sinker. The only problem, I don't have $149+ to spend on a pair of jeans. So for all you recessionistas out there, Lady O has provided us with an alternative. Lee Comfort Fit Jeans. My search began the very next day. Affordable and cute! Ya can't beat that. I found these jeans at JCPenney, Kohl's, and Sears. These are honestly the best jeans I've ever worn. I'm a sucker for a dark wash. Trouser jeans, love 'em! Skinny jeans, love 'em too! Lee has all the best styles with a really good price. The comfort fit waistband is great. FINALLY, jeans that fit my waist and butt!!! I'm in heaven. And, they're as comfortable as your fave pair of sweatpants. So here I am standing in the fitting room going through my denim checklist. Waitband fits. CHECK. Jeans hug in all the right places. CHECK. Tummy is smooth. CHECK. Butt is lifted. DOUBLE CHECK. I can bend, move, dance, and feel great doing it. CHECK, CHECK, AND MORE CHECK!!! (you all should've seen the show I put on in the fitting room dancing around and what not) Yep, ladies, these are perfect. And just $25 to boot. These came home with me immediately. I've been singing the praises of these jeans to anyone who will listen, and a few who won't all week. Can't wait to wear them. Pics coming soon. Try them out ladies. You'll love me for it.

Peace and Blessings
Lil Sweet

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